This information can be accessed in downloadable form in our Client Information pack.

Who to complain to

  • if you would feel confident to do so, you can complain directly to the staff member involved or a senior member of their team
  • indirectly complain to the complaints manager
    • for GP practices, dental surgeries, pharmacists and opticians, the complaints manager is the practice or shop manager
    • for other organisations, there is a complaints manager or team for all local and national health boards – find their contact details here


Social services complaints

  • find information here


Elsewhere in the UK

We cannot provide advice and support to those making a complaint outside of Scotland. Please find support where you live.

How to make your complaint

  • in person
  • by phone
  • in writing, by post or email
  • using a complaints feedback form

What to include in your complaint

  • your name
  • your contact details, including a phone number
  • the name and location of the service you want to complain about, including the address
  • when the issue happened
  • what happened
  • who was involved
  • how this has affected you
  • any relevant correspondence or documentation
  • what you want the investigation to cover – be specific
  • what outcomes you want from the complaint


If you are complaining on behalf of someone else

You will also need to include

  • the name of the patient
  • their contact details
  • their date of birth
  • where correspondence should be sent
  • permission from the patient or other relevant documentation


For prisoner complaints

You will also need to include

  • the name of the prison and the patient’s prison number

What will happen next

If you complain in person

  • they may be able to sort it out on the spot


If they need to investigate

  • your complaint will be properly investigated
  • you will be kept updated about your complaint during the investigation
  • a complaint should not affect your care or treatment in any way
  • solutions will be offered to put the issue right
  • feedback, comments, concerns and complaints will be used to improve services

How the NHS will respond

You will receive

  • a full explanation of what happened and why it occurred
  • a full explanation of the investigation
  • an apology if something went wrong
  • information on what was learned from your complaint and any resulting actions
  • if you are not satisfied with their final response, information on how to proceed with your complaint to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO)