• you can make comments, give feedback, raise concerns and make complaints using the NHS complaints procedure
  • NHS complaints staff have a duty to investigate the complaints that are made to them
  • the NHS encourage you to complain in person, to a staff member involved in your care or a senior member of their team
  • you can enter the complaints procedure at Stage 1 or Stage 2
  • for more information, please visit NHS Inform here

Stage 1: NHS early resolution

How it works

  • make the complaint
  • they will try to respond within five working days if they can
  • they may be able to resolve your issue straight away



  • if you are fully satisfied with the response, the complaint is closed
  • if you are not fully satisfied with the response, you can make a Stage 2 complaint

Stage 2: NHS investigation

Use this where

  • you are not satisfied with the investigation or result from your complaint at Stage 1
  • you feel that what happened raises serious questions about standards of care or requires a detailed investigation


How it works

  • make the complaint
  • you will receive an acknowledgement of your complaint within 3 working days
  • you will receive a response about their decision within 20 days, or an explanation of the delay and a revised timeframe
  • if you don’t receive a response within 20 days, follow this up with the person you made the complaint with
  • you will be given the opportunity to ask for clarification on anything you are unsure about or that you feel isn’t covered appropriately
  • if you are not satisfied, you will receive a final response and information on how to take your complaint to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO)



  • if you are fully satisfied with the response, the complaint is closed
  • if you are not fully satisfied with the response, you can submit your complaint to the SPSO

Stage 3: Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

Use this where

  • you are not satisfied by the Stage 2 response


How it works

  • make the complaint
  • the SPSO will decide whether investigate further or not
  • if they don’t feel it is appropriate to investigate further, the case will be closed
  • if they do take it on, it will be assigned to a complaints handler, who will make a full investigation
  • the complaints handler will respond to you
  • the case will be closed



This is the final stage of the NHS complaints procedure, so the decision made by the SPSO is final.