The PASS advice line will be closed for the Easter Weekend from Friday 18th April until Monday 21st April, inclusive. We will not be able to respond to queries during this time, but will reply as soon as possible on reopening. 

If you wish to make a data Subject Access Request to Citizens Advice Scotland please read this guidance note. Requests can be made in any format but in order for us to deal with requests as efficiently as possible we encourage you to complete the form provided below.

Please note that if you are a client of a local citizens advice bureau or have accessed services from a local citizens advice bureau and you want to make subject access request to find out what personal information is held about you, then you should do this by contacting the local bureau who provided you with advice or access to services. You can find contact details for all Scottish bureaux here.

  • When making a Subject Access Request you must:
  • Provide a proof of identity document (e.g. passport, driving licence, birth certificate)
  • Provide proof of address (e.g. utility bill, council tax, bank statement)
  • Provide as much detail as possible regarding the information you wish to access (e.g. where and by whom information is believed to be held, specific details of information required).

You are not required to state WHY you wish to access the information: the details we require are merely those that will aid the efficient location and retrieval of information.

Please note that we will not be able to comply with any requests received unless satisfactory proof of identification is provided.

If you wish to access data about someone else then you will require their written consent, which you must make available to us. You may be committing an offence to seek personal data about other individuals without their consent.

Once CAS receives a Subject Access Request, all efforts will be made to fully comply within one month of receipt of your request. If we are unable to comply with your request within one month we will inform you and explain why the extension is necessary.

Please complete the form below and return it either by email to, or by post to The DPO, Citizens Advice Scotland, Broadside, 2 Powderhall Road, Edinburgh, EH7 4GB. Alternatively, please phone 0131 550 1000 if you wish to make a verbal request.