The PASS advice line will be closed for the Easter Weekend from Friday 18th April until Monday 21st April, inclusive. We will not be able to respond to queries during this time, but will reply as soon as possible on reopening. 


Our client requested a referral from his GP but was refused, leading to a difficult interaction with his doctor. Our PASS Adviser contacted the GP Practice directly on the client’s behalf. His GP had refused to refer him as he had not been taking his prescribed medication as directed. However, from our client’s perspective, the prescription process was inaccessible, especially as he was unwell. A solution was reached to help him manage his medication, and he had reassurance moving forward that his care would not be compromised.


Our client was experiencing incapacitating headaches, but her GP hadn’t been able to help, and she was still waiting to speak to the practice’s Mental Health nurse. As a non-native speaker, our client found communicating with her GP difficult and was feeling alone. Our PASS Adviser helped her access her medical records and shared information about several Mental Health organisations. They also suggested methods to help aid the client with communication at appointments, such as services offered by advocacy organisations. Though our client still didn’t have a diagnosis, she felt more positive about her relationship with the practice.

Had to Move GP

Our client had difficulty accessing her GP. After trying to contact them for four months about her worrying symptoms, she was never offered a face-to-face appointment or a diagnosis and had to move her GP. PASS liaised with client and wrote a letter of complaint on her behalf to the Practice Manager. She was given an apology and her concerns were taken on board by the practice.

GP Practice Closure

When our client’s local GP closed, the alternative Medical Centre was struggling to cope with all the new patients. Our client lived with an open wound for 10 months despite multiple calls to the GP. She raised concerns with MSP and counsellors then sought PASS assistance. With PASS support, a complaint letter was compiled, and client received clarification on how appropriate care will be given. A service improvement review was also completed at the practice.